Dancing with Depression

Sep 22, 2019 - 8 minutes - Z
depression ecstatic dance contact improv job hunting polyamory constructive self harm rant ukelele unpolished

This might be my first post made under a cloak of depression. So far, it’s taken me about two days to finish it. About 3 months ago, the company I was contracting at surprised me by not renewing my contract. It felt atypical to me. This put me in a position that I often avoid: looking for work without already having income. I find that I interview better when I already have a job, kind of like dating. …

Why I Created This Blog

Aug 12, 2019 - 5 minutes - Z
depression blog kink ramble

Depression. Habit. Polyamory. Kink. Spectrum. Tech. Emotional pain. Communication difficulties. What a safe space is not. Where has my voice gone?